Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lesson 179 & 180 - 167- 170


God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(167) There is one life, and that I share with God.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(168) Your grace is given me. I claim it now.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.


God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(169) By grace I live. By grace I am released.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(170) There is no cruelty in God and none in me.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

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Lesson 179
Review: "God is but Love and therefore so am I."
"There is one life, and that I share with God.
Your grace is given me. I claim it now."

If my real Life I share with God, then my real Life must be an eternal Life of Love. A 'life' of judgment and fear, guilt and loss cannot be real. What I have been thinking as living all my life cannot be real and can never be fulfilling. I was created as Love and given the purpose of extending Love. Only fulfilling my purpose can bring me happiness. So if I want happiness, my only job is to extend Love. That is all that ever happens in reality.

But because I have made illusions in my mind, they interfere with my awareness of reality. Forgiveness is the means by which I let go of the interference so that I can experience God's Life of Love that is mine in truth. Each time I am able to release a moment of frustration, recognizing that it had no cause, I open my awareness more to my Life of Love.

Each time I am able to take a long-standing resentment to the Holy Spirit and receive His gift of vision that shows me it had no cause, I move another step closer to full awareness of my Life of Love. Forgiveness gives me the gift of Life. By God's grace, all the illusions I have made cannot change the reality that my Life is Love and nothing else. Forgiveness is the means by which I accept His grace. In every moment I have the opportunity to let go of the past and be free to live my real Life.

Holy Spirit, I give my mind to you today to guide and protect with the power of your Love. I ask your help to recognize my mistaken ideas that interfere with my awareness of true Life. Separation and individuality is not Life. But I have thought it was. I need your help, Holy Spirit, to recognize the illusions I have made for what they are. I am willing to be taught. I am willing to let illusions go and receive the gift of Life, long since given and mine now. Thank you Holy Spirit for your comfort, your strength and your sure direction.

©2003, Pathways of Light, Inc. You may freely share copies of this page with your friends, provided all copies include this notice.

Lesson 180
Review: "God is but Love and therefore so am I."
"By grace I live. By grace I am released.
There is no cruelty in God and none in me."

Let today be a day of grace. Let yourself remember that you live in God's grace. Let God's grace lead you to awaken to the fact that you are only Love. Let today be awesome. Let today be happy. Let yourself follow the Holy Spirit's lead. Listen. Let the Holy Spirit show you that you are the Light of God. Let the Holy Spirit show you the Light of God everywhere. Let yourself remember the truth.

Let the body be the instrument of awakening to the truth. God is Love and everyone is Love. Let all your efforts today be directed toward extending this truth universally. Let today be a celebration to truth. Rest in God and be glad, today and every day. Let yourself be released from ideas of limitation by God's grace.

When we project onto God, the characteristics of anger, judgment, guilt and punishment that we believe are in us, we make Him unwelcome. After all, the purpose of projection is to get rid of and disown what we don't like in ourselves. The belief that God is cruel pervades the attitudes of the world. How often have you heard someone say, "God gave me this pain or illness or unhappy circumstance so that I would learn what I need to learn, or perhaps for a reason I don't even recognize."

We blame God for the effects of our own decisions about what we are. God does not know of pain, for there is no cruelty in God. God does not know of sorrow because in God, loss is impossible. It is true that painful or upsetting experiences can bring us to a state of willingness in which we are open to receive the Holy Spirit's lesson in forgiveness. But when we remember that there is no cruelty in God, we will not blame God as the cause of the painful experience. We instead accept responsibility for the decisions we have made, consciously or unconsciously, that brought about the experience.

When we remember that there is no cruelty in God, we welcome His guidance and the lessons He offers us through the Holy Spirit. They are always lessons in Love. They are always gentle lessons when they are welcomed. The pain we experience is just the effect of our resistance to these gentle lessons. If our resistance is high, we keep making our experiences more and more painful until we reach the limit of our tolerance for pain. We say, "Enough, there must be a better way." In these moments we open our minds to be taught the better way.

It is not necessary that we experience painful circumstances to awaken. As we grow more and more willing to be taught, become less and less attached to our interpretation of our perceptions, our lessons are more gentle. We begin to truly see that there is no cruelty in God. That is His grace because, since there is no cruelty in God, there is in truth no cruelty in us. Awareness of Love grows stronger as we welcome it.

Today I welcome Holy Spirit's loving and gentle lessons that show me the truth in me and my brothers. I am willing to question all that I think is real and open my heart and mind to my true Self. In this I am released.

©2003, Pathways of Light, Inc. You may freely share copies of this page with your friends, provided all copies include this notice.