Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lesson 205 & Lesson 206 I am not a body. I am free.

Lesson 205

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

(185) I want the peace of God.

The peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is
my one goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek,
my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide
where I am not at home.

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

Lesson 206

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

(186) Salvation of the world depends on me.

I am entrusted with the gifts of God, because I am His Son.
And I would give His gifts where He intended them to be.

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

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Lesson 205
Review: "I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me."
"I want the peace of God."

Behind all the false values found in this world are the true values that we really want. Behind every conflict and underneath all the drama and masks found within the belief in separation, we really want the peace of God.

If we are taking directions from the ego, our efforts to find the peace of God will be directed where it cannot be found, in keeping with the ego's goal of seek and do not find. Whether somebody murders or tortures or argues with a spouse, all of this is an attempt to solve our problems with the ego, and without the peace of God.

The desire to hide from the peace of God is the underlying motive for all our living here. The world was made to be a place where God could not enter. The search for peace in the world takes on twisted forms that look like war and conflict. This is because the ego teaches us that we can find salvation through the elimination of our enemies or some other external change in circumstance. It does not want us to know that the peace of God is already in us, given us by God in our creation. The ego thrives on conflict and perceives the peace of God as its enemy.

That is why it is so important that we take time each day to practice becoming quiet, stilling our minds and opening our hearts to the peace of God that was given us before time began. Each instant that we are able to set the ego aside, to let go of our identification with a separate self-identity for a moment, we experience a taste of the peace of God, our one goal.

Today I will walk hand in hand with the Holy Spirit and let Him guide my way. I trust that He will lead me toward the peace of God, for He shares my one goal with me. He is not deceived by the myriad forms of this world. He knows where the peace of God is and will lead me there. I need but follow. I offer Him my willingness and ask for His strength to magnify my willingness so that I may truly remember I am not a body, I am free. I am still as God created me.

Early in the Text Jesus tells us that the ego becomes strong in strife. This is why the ego loves to make up stories of conflict and tension and war. It loves to make up stories of death, suffering, weakness and vulnerability to outside forces.

If we truly opened to the peace of God, all the false stories would be seen as the false mental constructs they are. We would laugh at them because we would recognize that they could never be true. We would remember that there could be nothing that replaces the peace of God. We would remember that we are the peace of God. We would not try to make something else real and try to be what we are not.

I have reached the place where I am willing to give up most overt forms of conflict in my search for peace. If I do feel angry or hurt or guilty, I give it to Holy Spirit as fast as I can. Sometimes I take it back, but I keep trying.

The ego finds ways, though, to divert me. I stay very busy. There are so many things to do. I say that it would be a luxury to experience boredom, but if stillness looks imminent, I become uncomfortable and quickly find something else that must be done. I have convinced myself that this kind of activity is a virtue and to be otherwise would indicate laziness or lack of direction or something.

I am coming to understand that all of this frantic activity is my way of avoiding peace. It is like I am afraid to stand still; afraid to let my mind be still. I haven't been able to release this behavior yet, but I am working on it. I truly do want the peace of God.

©2003, Pathways of Light, Inc. You may freely share copies of this page with your friends, provided all copies include this notice.

Lesson 206
Review: "I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me."
"Salvation of the world depends on me."

I will not see the world as free until I see myself as free. That is why salvation of the world depends on me. To be free means to be without limit. God's gifts are given without limit and so His gifts are the gift of freedom.

To know His gifts I must give them as they were given, freely and without limit. If I try to be selective about who will receive my gifts, I have lost awareness of What I am as God created me. God created me limitless and free. I cannot limit my gifts without also limiting myself.

I was created as Love, which by Its nature, gives without limit. I cannot know the Love that I am if I believe that some are more worthy of Love than others. If I believe that withholding love in certain situations is justified, then I have forgotten what Love is and What I am. Where God would have His gifts be is everywhere, because He is limitless. That is why it is important for me to extend Love all the time to all. That is how I save the world and myself.

Today I ask the Holy Spirit to help me see with His vision and offer Love in every circumstance so that I may remember that I am not a body I am free. I am still as God created me.

As an extension of God's Love, we have one function, and that function is to extend God's universal Love as our Father does. Our function is not to try to change Love, but to be one with It.

In Lesson 186 Jesus tells us, "If God's Voice assures you that salvation needs your part, and that the whole depends on you, be sure that it is so. ... Yet are the humble free to hear the Voice Which tells them what they are, and what to do." (5:4,6)

We are learning that we cannot fail when we ask only for God's Will for us. God's Will for us is shared by everyone. We are all in the same boat together. We are all Love and nothing else. We all are the salvation of the world as we wake up to the eternal truth.

©2003, Pathways of Light, Inc. You may freely share copies of this page with your friends, provided all copies include this notice.