Monday, September 29, 2008

Lesson 168 Your grace is given me.


Your grace is given me.

God speaks to us. Shall we not speak to Him? He is not distant. He makes no attempt to hide from us. We try to hide from Him, and suffer from deception. He remains entirely accessible. He loves His Son. There is no certainty but this, yet this suffices. He will love His Son forever. 0 When his mind remains asleep, He loves him still. And when his mind awakes, He loves him with a never-changing Love.

If you but knew the meaning of His Love, hope and despair would be impossible. For hope would be forever satisfied; despair of any kind unthinkable. His grace His answer is to all despair, for in it lies remembrance of His Love. Would He not gladly give the means by which His Will is recognized? His grace is yours by your acknowledgment. And memory of Him awakens in the mind that asks the means of Him whereby its sleep is done.

Today we ask of God the gift He has most carefully preserved within our hearts, waiting to be acknowledged. This the gift by which God leans to us and lifts us up, taking salvation's final step Himself. All steps but this we learn, instructed by His Voice. But finally He comes Himself, and takes us in His Arms and sweeps away the cobwebs of our sleep. His gift of grace is more than just an answer. It restores all memories the sleeping mind forgot; all certainty of what Love's meaning is.

God loves His Son. Request Him now to give the means by which this world will disappear, and vision first will come, with knowledge but an instant later. For in grace you see a light that covers all the world in love, and watch fear disappear from every face as hearts rise up and claim the light as theirs. What now remains that Heaven be delayed an instant longer? What is still undone when your forgiveness rests on everything?

It is a new and holy day today, for we receive what has been given us. Our faith lies in the Giver, not our own acceptance. We acknowledge our mistakes, but He to Whom all error is unknown is yet the One Who answers our mistakes by giving us the means to lay them down, and rise to Him in gratitude and love.

And He descends to meet us, as we come to Him. For what He has prepared for us He gives and we receive. Such is His Will, because He loves His Son. To Him we pray today, returning but the word He gave to us through His Own Voice, His Word, His Love:

Your grace is given me. I claim it now. Father, I come to You. And You will come to me who ask. I am the Son You love.

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Lesson 168
"Your grace is given me. I claim it now."

Thinking I am an individual, separate from my brothers and from God, is a mistake. Thinking my brothers are their bodies or their personalities is a mistake. Believing in separation is a mistake. This mistake will continue until I accept and claim God's grace. It is through God's grace that I receive the means for laying down these illusions, these mistakes. So my focus now is on claiming the grace that God has given me.

God has already given me the means by which I lay illusions down. But I have to be willing to claim God's gift. That is my job now. Because I am so familiar with mistaken thinking, I need to return again and again to opening to God's gift. As I claim God's gift, I receive it. As I receive God's gift, the Light I receive causes my false ideas to disappear. When the false ideas disappear, the effect of holding onto those false ideas also disappears. I am then able to see the Light behind the masks of individual personalities and individual bodies. I am able to focus on the truth instead of the lies of separation.

In this stage of my awakening, I seem to wobble back and forth between making illusions real and remembering the truth that all is one in God. This lesson is giving me the answer to every problem I think I have. This lesson teaches me to open to God's gift of grace whereby the means are given me to lay illusions down once again. I need to open to God's gift of grace again and again until all my belief in separation is undone.

This is a process. Instead of feeling guilty for my mistakes, I recognize them as mistakes and with God's grace, I lay them down. This is my one function, being willing to claim God's grace which provides the means for me to lay all errors in thinking down. I have the means by which to remember that I am free. I just need to claim it.

This lesson is reinforcing the immediacy of salvation, of complete release from all fear and guilt. I need only acknowledge and accept it and it is mine because it has already been given me. In today's lesson, God's grace means to me that He would not let me wander off into insanity without giving me the means to return to sanity.

In our creation He gave us all of Himself, including all of His power. Thus when we chose in our insanity to misdirect that power, He could not interfere with that choice or He would be making us of a lesser order of power. We would no longer be equal in power as He created us. But by His grace, the moment we made the mistaken choice, we were given the means to undo the mistake. We still need to make the choice to let it be undone, but the means is already given.

My heart is filled with gratitude that I have a Father so loving that He was unwilling to make me lesser than He and equally unwilling to leave me comfortless and without a means to return to Him. The Holy Spirit is His Answer to all my mistaken ideas.

My only need is to acknowledge my mistakes and accept the means for them to be undone. I do not need to undo them alone. To attempt to do so is to reject the means He gave me. Rather, I need to accept His help and it will be done for me. As long as I continue to believe in false ideas and desire that they be true, I will not accept the means for them to be undone.

My part in healing is very simple. Acknowledge my mistakes and accept the means for them to be undone. This is the willingness that Holy Spirit needs. With that willingness, the rest is done for me. Today I will practice being mindful with the Holy Spirit's help to recognize my mistaken ideas and then turn them over to Him to let His light shine them away. That is my job today. And I give thanks that I have the means to be free.

"Your grace is given me. I claim it now. Father, I come to You. And You will come to me who ask. I am the Son You love." This is so inspiring. I know what the poets mean when they say "it makes my heart soar," because that is exactly how I feel each time I say this prayer.

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